Walking Seed Support and Facilitation - Individual, relationship, and group support

About Ryan

  • I’m a parent and member of the Maitri House intentional community.
  • I want a cultural shift in how we treat each other. I believe that changing how we think about relationships, ourselves and each other, decision-making, and conflict at the small scale can propagate upwards into larger groups that we’re a part of. My work has been focused on the micro-scale and I’ve spent the last two decades studying interpersonal communication, conflict, and groups.
  • I have two decades of experience as a community-based peer facilitator. I have facilitated several hundred workshops, meetings, and dialogue sessions, and have also facilitated hundreds of individual and relationship support conversations. Living in an intentional community, and having been part of many groups and complicated projects, I have some experience helpig people navigate interdependence.
  • I also care about how our society treats parents and babies. Here are some Youtube videos on my work on maternity and infant care reform: UnBreaking Birth and Circumcision: an Elephant in the Hospital.
  • I’m a mostly-retired biophysicist who has simultaneously been interested in the somatic, emotional, and relational realms. I strongly believe that the body, emotions, and thoughts are fundamentally connected with each other. Thus I approach situations, relationships, and communication itself from a perspective in which our bodies, feelings, and intellect are interconnected.
  • I’m not accredited by any organization. I am not a licensed social worker or therapist.
  • I support relationships (both between people and for a person and one’s self) and relationship skill building. I share my current thinking and experience while noting that these are very complex topics and I still have a tremendous amount to learn.
  • I’m drawn to working with groups and individuals who hold a circle of care that extends beyond themselves and their nuclear families.
  • I like they/he pronouns.

“Ryan asked me a simple question once – ‘What makes your relationship work?’. My partner and I have been answering that question together ever since and in the answering have grown and nurtured our partnership continually. I also attended a Peaceful Parenting workshop with Ryan that forever changed my parenting philosophies. Fourteen years later I still refer to resources from that experience.

Having worked with Ryan as a participant in workshops, as a co-facilitator in workshops, and as a collaborator in large orgnaizational efforts, I can wholeheartedly recommend Ryan McAllister as a talented and collaborative facilitator.”
– Robin O’Brien, parent, NVC Academy Team leader and Parent Peer Leadership program assistant