Resource Sharing
I hope to support the sharing of resources, especially flowing from concentrations of wealth toward the direction of groups who have had resource flow systematically diverted away from them.
I ask that participants who have access to wealth make contributions to support any of the following community-based efforts:
- Local
- Wider Area
For individuals with little access to wealth, people within my network of friends and their friends, and community organizations, I work on a gift economy basis. This means that, while welcome, I don’t require or expect payment or any services in exchange.
When people share resources, I currently suggest half of the contribution go to one of the efforts above.
I particularly encourage people to not give a contribution if one of the two cases applies:
1) they feel that what I had to offer was not useful for them, or
2) they have insufficient income or wealth-access to support their/their family’s basic needs. I encourage no contribution in those situations.
Sliding Scale
For individuals with greater access to wealth, I work on a sliding scale. I’m open to both financial and non-financial contributions, and often interested in diverting contributions to community efforts, such as those above.
By sliding scale, I mean you can pick what and how much to contribute based on a variety of factors. I value this approach because I want to make this kind of work more accessible. I can suggest considering factors such as: what you make in an equivalent time at work (if you have a job), your access (or lack of access) to wealth, how useful our working together was/is for you, the value of supporting my family and other work, the value of increasing access for others, and the other responsibilities you have that require resources (such as providing for your family).
If this whole sliding-scale thing is stressful for you, I’m happy to talk about it and I can provide example ranges that people in various situations have contributed in the past.
For organizational facilitation and consulting, I make custom agreements with each. I am happy to work with community-led grassroots organizations for free.